Isotopes for the Energy Industry - The Next Generation of Green Nuclear Fuel

To achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050, global electricity generation must increase by 250%, with nuclear energy output needing to double.

(International Energy Agency)

We are positioning ourselves as a leading supplier of future nuclear fuels and a trusted partner to advanced nuclear reactor manufacturers. Through our Quantum Leap Energy (QLE) division, ASP Isotopes is aiming to enable the commercialization of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs).

Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are widely regarded as the next wave in nuclear energy production. Their modular and smaller design allows for production-line manufacturing. SMRs are anticipated to deliver affordable green energy, offering a more efficient deployment timeline and greater operational flexibility compared to traditional nuclear power plants.


Many SMRs and advanced reactors will require High Assay Low Enriched Uranium (HALEU) to operate. HALEU is a type of nuclear fuel that has a higher concentration of the fissile isotope U-235 compared to conventional low-enriched uranium (LEU). HALEU typically contains U-235 enrichment levels between 5% and 20%, whereas traditional LEU used in most commercial reactors is enriched up to 5%. This higher concentration allows for more efficient and compact reactor designs, extended refueling cycles and reduced volume of nuclear waste, making HALEU an important fuel for advanced nuclear reactors.

Currently, there is no commercial supplier of HALEU in the Western world, posing a significant challenge to the feasibility of advanced reactors. Quantum Leap Energy aims to become a key supplier of HALEU, paving the way for the next generation of nuclear energy solutions.

QLE will be able to use either Quantum Enrichment (QE) or Aerodynamic Separation Process (ASP) to enrich U-235 and produce HALEU



products of interest

Nuclear Waste Recycling

Depleted tails from other uranium enrichers produce nuclear waste that requires adequate management

We believe that our technology can process this waste into HALEU -
potentially providing a solution to this growing environmental problem.

This should allow us to produce HALEU at highly competitive prices.

Depleted UF6 Tails stored in Ohio, USA
Depleted UF6 Tails stored in Ohio, USA
Lithium 6


Lithium-6 (Li-6) is an isotope of lithium, which plays a crucial role in various nuclear applications due to its unique nuclear properties. With its ability to absorb neutrons, Lithium-6 is integral to the production and operation of advanced nuclear reactors.


Breeder Reactors

Li-6 is used in breeder reactors to produce tritium, an essential component in the fuel cycle of these reactors. Tritium is generated when Li-6 captures a neutron and undergoes nuclear reactions.

Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs)

In MSRs, Li-6 is a key ingredient in the molten salt mixture, where it enhances the reactor’s efficiency and safety. It helps in the moderation of neutrons and in maintaining optimal reactor conditions.

Fusion Reactors

Li-6 is vital for fusion reactors, such as those based on tokamak and inertial confinement designs. It is used in the breeding blankets surrounding the reactor core to generate tritium, which is then used as a fuel for the fusion process.

As a producer of Lithium-6, we are committed to supporting the development and deployment of advanced nuclear reactors, ensuring a sustainable and efficient energy future.

Lithium 7


Lithium-7 (Li-7) is a stable isotope of lithium known for its exceptional nuclear properties. Lithium-7 is an essential material in various advanced nuclear reactor designs. Its ability to withstand high temperatures and its low neutron absorption cross-section make it ideal for several critical applications.


Coolant in Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs)

Lithium-7 is a key component in the molten salt mixture used in MSRs. It enhances the thermal stability of the salt, ensuring efficient heat transfer and safe reactor operation.

Breeder Reactors

In breeder reactors, Lithium-7 is used in the breeding blanket to produce tritium when combined with neutron absorption. This tritium is a crucial fuel for fusion reactions, supporting the fuel cycle in these reactors.

pH Control in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs)

Lithium-7 is used to control the pH levels of the coolant water in PWRs. By maintaining the proper pH, Lithium-7 helps prevent corrosion of reactor components and ensures the longevity and safety of the reactor.

Fusion Reactors

Lithium-7 plays a vital role in fusion reactors, such as tokamaks and inertial confinement designs. It is used in the breeding blankets to generate tritium, which is then used as a fuel for the fusion process.

Radiation Shielding

Due to its low neutron absorption cross-section, Lithium-7 is used in radiation shielding materials to protect against neutron radiation, enhancing the safety of nuclear facilities.

Chlorine 37


Chlorine-37 (Cl-37) is an important material in various advanced nuclear reactor technologies. Its ability to capture neutrons without producing long-lived radioactive byproducts makes it valuable in nuclear applications.


Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs)

Chlorine-37 is a key component in some molten salt reactor designs. It is used in the formulation of chloride-based salts, which serve as both fuel and coolant. Chlorine-37 enhances the reactor’s efficiency and stability by providing optimal neutron economy and high-temperature performance.

Fast Breeder Reactors

In fast breeder reactors, Chlorine-37 can be used in the production of chloride salts for the fuel cycle. Its low neutron absorption cross-section helps maintain the necessary neutron flux to breed fissile material efficiently.

Neutron Absorption and Shielding

Chlorine-37’s ability to absorb neutrons without generating long-lived radioactive waste makes it suitable for use in neutron shielding materials. This application enhances the safety and efficiency of nuclear reactors by providing effective radiation protection.

Research and Development

Chlorine-37 is used in various research and development applications within the nuclear industry. Its unique properties are studied to develop new reactor technologies and improve existing ones, contributing to the advancement of nuclear science.

Isotopic Tracing

In nuclear reactors and related systems, Chlorine-37 can be used for isotopic tracing to monitor and analyze chemical processes. This helps optimize reactor performance and ensure the safe operation of nuclear facilities.

Thorium Floride

Thorium Fluoride

Thorium Fluoride (ThF₄) is a chemical compound comprising thorium and fluorine. It is highly valued in the nuclear industry for its stability, high melting point, and favorable nuclear properties. Thorium Fluoride plays a critical role in advanced nuclear reactor designs, particularly in molten salt reactors.


Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs)

Thorium Fluoride is a key component in the fuel mixture of Molten Salt Reactors. In these reactors, ThF₄ serves as a fissile material when combined with other fluoride salts, providing a safe and efficient medium for nuclear reactions. Its high solubility in molten salt allows for a more flexible and efficient fuel cycle.

Breeding Fuel

Thorium Fluoride is used in the breeding cycle of advanced reactors. When exposed to neutron irradiation, thorium-232 (found in ThF₄) is converted into uranium-233, a fissile material that can sustain nuclear reactions. This breeding process supports a more sustainable and long-term fuel supply for nuclear reactors.

High-Temperature Stability

Due to its high melting point and chemical stability, Thorium Fluoride is ideal for use in high-temperature reactors. It remains stable and effective under extreme conditions, ensuring reliable reactor performance and safety.

Reduction of Nuclear Waste

Thorium-based fuel cycles, including those using Thorium Fluoride, produce less long-lived radioactive waste compared to traditional uranium-based cycles. This contributes to more manageable and safer waste management practices.

Enhanced Safety Features

The use of Thorium Fluoride in advanced reactors enhances safety by providing a more stable and controllable reaction environment. Its chemical properties reduce the risk of accidents and improve the overall safety profile of the reactor.